Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bloggery, MP3 ...and snowdrops

I've often said that my mind is like a vacuum cleaner, it sucks up all the rubbish. And often drops it back on the floor. But there are nuggets of gold in there, and , since I'm also a magpie, or a jackdaw, and love gathering shiny objects, blogging suits me perfectly.

I've just been downloading a few files to listen to as I drive up to Yorkshire today. One of them was Sally's story, The Donkey Driver's Wife. I shall listen to it as I drive through the Notts-Derbys (ex) coalfield.

I said the other day that all our snowdrops had disappeared. I found some poking through the gravel outside our garden shed.


Casdok said...

I have a vacuum cleaner for a mind to. But i need to empty it more often!

Moondreamer said...

Have a fab time in Yorkshire, aliqot!

There's an award for you at mine, when you get back!


aliqot said...

casdok, hi and welcome to my place.
I've had a peep at yours, intriguing stuff.

moondreamer, Thank you. I think I'll have to save the awards up until I find some more people to give them to.

Yorkshire was wonderful, the family were lovely, and the weather was kind.
Will post photos soon.