Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More baby steps

Moondreamer made the suggestion and now we've acted on it. We've started a new blog Towards 2011 - 100 Years of International Women's Day. (I'm not putting a link to the IWD home page because some script on it keeps crashing my AOL connection.)
We hope to include articles about gender differences, facts about women - our achievements, areas where inequality still reigns, along with areas where men and women are crossing the old boundaries. We're also looking for feminist humour and cartoons. I don't mean jokes about men.

On another tack, a friend from Writers' Dock has started a petition to the PM on an ecological and aid issue. Another baby step, but hell, you have to start somewhere.
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Covenant Foreign Aid where Ecological Resources exist, such as endangered rainforests, fisheries and reefs, so local populations are directly compensated for conservation. We urge the Prime Minister to acquire renewable leases on such areas for UK monitoring rights to ensure the money is spent effectively.
The aims of this petition are to advance anti-climate change measures, to ensure Aid is spent effectively and fairly, and report to the Public on its effectiveness.

1 comment:

Ham said...

I started a new blog on a different account.
I will still continue writing the original but this is on a new subject matter.

Check it out: