Friday, August 23, 2019

Euro-trip 2019 - Parc de Champagne, Reims

Thursday 04 July

Anne drove us to the Parc de Champagne, which is in the south-west of Reims.  

It was created by the Marquis de Polignac for those who worked in the champagne caves, and also to leave his own mark on Reims. It is close to the Pommery vineyards and cellars. The park was opened before World War 1. The Collège des Athlètes was situated there - an important centre for sports education in France.The north american delegation to the 5th Olympic Games was received there in 1912.
There was a lot of damage during the First World War, and the park was rebuilt by Edouard Redont and Ernest Kalas.

A large area of green space, with sports facilities. Today there were lots of groups of young schoolchildren - the school year ends tomorrow.

Harry drew a while. Anne and I wandered around then sat and chatted. We spent some time in the herb garden area, finding some strange plants and odd names. Herbs were arranged by the ailments they were supposed to cure...

Some time before 2pm we went back to Anne's for lunch  - salad with chick peas and some smoked trout.

In the afternoon Harry and I went to cathedral area...
 drew people...

had a coffee...
 drew a bit more....

Back at Anne's, she made some delicious spring rolls ...

which we ate with Harry's roast potatoes.

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