Thursday, July 05, 2012

follow on from soggy socks

Two online friends have added lines to the haiku - we are having fun this month with a thing called tan-renga. One person writes a haiku, and another person adds two lines to turn it into a tanka. 
5-7-5-7-7 syllables, or short long short long long. Or shorter.

So - "jazzmuzz'  turned it into this:
soggy socks and boots 
open church has a picture 
- Noah's Ark (aliqot)
should we have entered  
port in a storm two by two? (jazzmuzz)
which raised a grin!

"goldenlangur" turned it into this:
soggy socks and boots 
open church has a picture 
- Noah's Ark aliqot 

brimful of cloud-animals 
sails into the rainbow gl 
playful and light-hearted!


Anne said...

After my two week's course in England I might be able to enter the game !

Chloe Greene said...

That's fun.

You have to try to smile through this rain if you can't manage to sing in the rain!

aliqot said...

Anne - you're welcome to have a try - we're doing this on WritersDock, but let me know if you want to join/ join in!

Chloe - wasn't summer wonderful in March?!