Saturday, June 30, 2012

Two tanka

Doping in sport

sporting heroes
don’t ‘do it on lemonade’
a few chemicals
and maybe I  could have won
Tour de France and Wimbledon

Jacques Anquetil, coureur cycliste

«Il n’est pas possible à un homme, fût-il très doué pour le sport, de courir presque journellement sans le recours de stimulants. Il faudrait être naïf ou hypocrite pour répandre cette idée que le tour de France, un Bordeaux-Paris, un critérium du Dauphiné peuvent se négocier simplement à l’eau minérale… Tous les coureurs prennent quelque chose.» 1969.

Oilseed rape
the path leads clear
through cultivated fields
onwards and upwards
oilseed rape grows high and wet
we struggle through this jungle

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

National Insect week

I've just discovered this via Leeds Daily Photo .  But all I've done is a fleeting visit to the Butterfly House at the New Forest Wildife Park.  We had an excitable toddler in tow, so not a lot of time to stand and stare. One for the 'to do again' list!

a morning out
at the wildlife centre
little humans
need some space
to run and climb

Monday, June 18, 2012

damp earth

darkness falls
and I hear rain
I open the door
freshly planted pots
smell of damp earth

Sunday, June 17, 2012

herb of choice

she brings from Germany
seeds her friend remembers
Bohnenkraut – bean herb
they reminisce – so tasty
what is the English?

It is in fact savory.  Note to self - find some!

quiet Sunday

raindrops on window
trees sparkle in the sun
quiet Sunday morning
I seek more jewels
online . . .

walking backwards

Two-person play
Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
socialist book
old-fashioned? simplistic?
are we walking backwards?

Friday, June 15, 2012

empty nest?

blackbird pair bask
in the warm sun
 - a brief respite
from showers
and childcare

I'm assuming this pair's chicks have fledged. We saw a young one a while ago. They're co-existing with the house sparrow here.

Monday, June 11, 2012


flotilla of geese
and goslings head for bread scraps
wobble bums for speed
six year old looks on in awe
he’s not been so close before

Sunday, June 10, 2012

rain break

French Open Final
a fight of  Titans
rain stops play
new Ganymedes as escorts
brolly-bearers to the gods?

family outing

we live a bit too far
to make weekly visits
so each drives halfway
to meet at Clumber Park
for a family outing