The rain pours down, as I take two grandchildren to holiday activities. Swish of windscreen wipers, and tyres on the wet road.
When we've dropped Rose off at a friend's house, I give Isaac the sat nav to follow, though he knows the way fine well. He gives me directions as we cut through the outskirts of Leeds, and the scenery changes from suburban chic to rural.
He's looking forward to a day with ponies, learning all about how and what to feed them. Against my expectations, this lad turns out to be animal crazy.
One wrong turn and Mrs SatNav puts us right in a trice.
I deposit Isaac, don't embarrass him with a hug, and drive away. My first instinct is to head for the hills, but I don't have a decent map or my hiking boots. Ok, I'll make my way back, though the prospect of sitting in a wet house is less than appealing.
On the way I pass the back entrance to Goldenacre Park. I stop at the car park, put my old trainers on, and my waterproof coat.
Lots of free benches |
Never mind the rain, I need air and exercise! And I know there's a café too.
As usual, dog walkers are out in all weathers, and smiling, greeting everyone, chatting. We're all glad to be outside.
The trees glisten with moisture, and as I approach the flower gardens, the colours glow like fresh paint.
I have no intention of resisting the cafe, and it's still raining.
Ducks never mind the rain |
The rain eases off and I take a long route home via Eccup reservoir, where I get a glimpse of proper Yorkshire scenery, with stone walls, and misty hills.
Ragwort, out of the way of horses, feeds cinnabar moth caterpillars. |
Ducks and loads of martins looking for insects |
martins swoop low
over rain-splashed water
seeking food
insects galore
this English summer